Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tuesday May 8th, Playing around

The boys were crazy wild and so much fun today!! Quinn was definitely feeling soooo much better, as he greeted me at the front door with a huge grin!! We read from books, did worksheets, puzzles and had some reward teachtown time!!! Betsy was great today and Reid and Quinn both blew her socks off. Quinn touched a strawberry and cut it with a knife. Reid ate an apple!!! Man o Man did we have fun but we were definitely missing mom!!! Miss your helpful hand and smile, enjoy the sun!

1 comment:

The Simpson Family said...

I'm so proud of my beautiful boys. At one point in our seminar on Monday, we were discussing sensory sensitivites to food. I asked about feeding therapy and my question was met with disbelief almost. The presenter said that you need to pick your battles carefully and that disrupting a child's feeding patterns can be very dangerous. Now, I know all kids are different, but I thought, "what a load of bollocks".