The boys have been great this week! We've implemented a Token System and a Busy Box and it sure does motivate all boys considered to get their chores done. It helps out a lot since mom is gone to keep the house tidied up a bit. They have both been working hard and cracking me up simultaneously.. Reid picked a flower today and put it behind his ear while batting his eyes (where does he get this stuff and why didn't I have my camera on me?). I have nothing to complain about!!! Kip has been a super sweetie as well, helping out in the mornings when I'm there. Quinn is a little lover when he's not bouncing all aroung with his big toothy grin. But mom is missed and it will be a joyous day for the boys to see her!!! Can't wait! We have so enjoyed your posts, Karen, and I'm glad everyone is enjoying the blog!
Oh, I also have the cutest videos of the boys...but I don't know how to put them on here yet!

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