Friday, September 28, 2007

Meet our "Manny"

Kyle is great. The boys loves him (and so do we). Little did I know that I was part of a fashionable social trend when I hired him.

The Kipster is Back and He's BAAAAAAAD!

Of course, I mean bad in a good way. Kip is playing "Fall Ball" for the Firehawks. It's the first time he's had to swing at a moving ball. I think only one player on his team actually connected with the ball during the first game, so I don't feel so bad for him. He played pitcher for a few innings, which really means standing next to the pitching machine and fielding anything that comes his direction. In the first inning, he wowed us all by fielding a ball and throwing the batter out at first!

First Hike of the Fall

We had some spectacular weather last week, so we took advantage of it and hiked Pinnacle Peak on Sunday. Kip was the photographer for the top four photos.