Although we should be used to it by now, the summer heat is getting to us. Being cooped up with the boys on the weekends is tough! So, yesterday we escaped to Sedona for some cooling off fun. It's a bit of a trek, but it was worth it to see the boys running, skipping, splashing, playing in mud like little boys should! I was even given a nice red mud bath. We planned to go to Red Rock State Park, but when we go there, found out that they are a conservation park, and playing in the creek is not permitted. They sent us down a dirt road (with unbelievable views) to Red Rock Crossing . I would definitely go back.
The boys started school yesterday. Quinn caught the bus at 7:30. Richard took Kip and I took Reid. It was sad to see Quinn's little face watching us out the window as the bus drove off. He's been riding the bus for 2 years, but he's always had Reid with him. It's a very odd feeling to know that the house will be empty between 9 and 3 each day. I think I feel a bit like someone who has just begun retirement. There is so much that I want to do, but I am a bit paralyzed by the emptiness of the day. Hopefully I'll shake it off by next week and get busy.